About Us

Many aspects related to the use and development of property are regulated by the local municipality and/or some other government agency. For many, the first stop is at the local Township, Borough, or City office. Without exception, the municipalities we deal with are friendly. They answer your questions, but often end by suggesting that you will need a Surveyor or Engineer. That is where we can help you.

Traditionally, our focus has been subdivisions and land development projects, but as the local building industry has shifted, so has our business. We are currently focusing on smaller projects, grading & drainage plans for individual home construction, soil erosion & sediment control plans, property line surveys, PA DEP Permits, and flood elevation evaluations.

In addition to our own projects, we also have access to local survey work performed by others including A.G. Newbold, Warren Gift, and Rockland Surveyors.

This may be your first time dealing with this process, so please feel free to Contact Us with your questions or visit the Links page for a list of related sites. We will do our best to guide you in the proper direction.

John T. Aston III P.E., P.L.S.